Game Info

11/10/2022 7:15:00 PM



Period 1Player / TeamAssist
1:08 Chad Campbell / Wolves Aaron Gallagher,
1:44 Chad Campbell / Wolves Alan Hopkins,
10:13 Alan Hopkins / Wolves Matt Gardner,
5:01 JP DiFazio / Kings of The Ice Adam I,
6:58 Vic Bonifazi / Kings of The Ice Steve Rebellato,
Period 2Player / TeamAssist
Period 3Player / TeamAssist
6:19 Alan Hopkins / Wolves Matt Gardner,
9:13 Audrey Novikov / Wolves Steve Kimber,
9:42 Joe Mancuso / Kings of The Ice Adam I,
Period OTPlayer / TeamAssist


Period 1Player / TeamAssist
Period 2Player / TeamAssist
Period 3Player / TeamAssist
Period OTPlayer / TeamAssist